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This Does Not Work Yet

Out of the box, Slackware 13.0 will not compile kdebluetooth4, and the SlackBuild package of 1.0_beta8 will not build due to it not liking QT4. After some digging around, I found a patch that allowed me to build kdebluetooth4. The patch can be found here:

KDE Bugfiles

Save it as kdebase-workspace-4.2.4.patch To apply this patch, download the kdebase-workspace-4.2.4.tar.bz2 package

isc.org mirror

Extract the contents then apply the patch

tar vxf kdebase-workspace-4.2.4.tar.bz2
cd kdebase-workspace-4.2.4
patch -p0 < ../kdebase-workspace-4.2.4.patch

Tar everything back up

tar cvvf kdebase-workspace-4.2.4.tar kdebase-workspace-4.2.4
bzip2 -9 kdebase-workspace-4.2.4.tar

Create a working folder and copy the slackbuild from the 13.0 dvd

mkdir /tmp/kdebase-workspace
cd /tmp/kdebase-workspace
cp -r /path/to/dvd/source/kde/kdebase-workspace/* .

Edit line 47 of kdebase-workspace.SlackBuild then build the package

tar xvf $CWD/kdebase-workspace-$VERSION.tar.?z* || exit 1

This may or may not take some time, depending on your hardware, but you already knew that. After it is done building your new package, upgrade the old package with your new package

upgradepkg kdebase-workspace-4.2.4-i486-1%kdebase-workspace-4.2.4.txz

Now, you should have a patched version of kdebase-workspace installed and be able to install kdebluetooth4. I'll have to finish that part of this article when I get home, as it's 5:00...

...and now that I'm home, I see that my newly compiled kbluetooth4 Slackware package still doesn't work after instllation...grr...maybe this process will spawn an idea of someone much smarter than I on how to fix this...